Con­fe­rence organization

The Inter­na­tio­nal Socie­ty for Infor­ma­ti­on Stu­dies (is4si)
Inter­na­tio­nal Pro­gram­me Com­mit­tee of the con­fe­rence Sum­mit:
Digi­ta­li­sa­ti­on for a Sus­tainable Socie­ty: Embo­di­ed, Embedded,
Net­work­ed, Empowered through Infor­ma­ti­on, Com­pu­ta­ti­on & Cogni­ti­on
(Gothenburg/Sweden, 12–16.06.2017)

Shang­hai-Salz­burg Semi­nar Series
A Fudan Uni­ver­si­ty – Salz­burg Uni­ver­si­ty Coope­ra­ti­on
Topic: “Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on and Social Deve­lo­p­ment II”
Func­tion: Co-Orga­ni­zer
(Salzburg/Austria, 19.01.2017)

Shang­hai-Salz­burg Semi­nar Series
A Fudan Uni­ver­si­ty – Salz­burg Uni­ver­si­ty Coope­ra­ti­on
Topic: “Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on and Social Deve­lo­p­ment”
Func­tion: Co-Orga­ni­zer
(Shanghai/China, 16.06.2016)

Shang­hai-Salz­burg Semi­nar Series
A Fudan Uni­ver­si­ty – Salz­burg Uni­ver­si­ty Coope­ra­ti­on
Topic: „Inter­net Stu­dies – Per­spec­ti­ves from East and West“
- Orga­ni­zer of the Con­fe­rence (with Ursu­la Mai­er-Rabler) and
- Con­fe­rence Chair (with Shao­jing Sun and Ursu­la Mai­er-Rabler)
Func­tion: Co-Orga­ni­zer
(Salzburg/Austria, 29–30.01.2015)

Inter­na­tio­nal Socie­ty for Infor­ma­ti­on Stu­dies (ISIS)
Sum­mit: The Infor­ma­ti­on Socie­ty at the Cross­roads:
Respon­se and Respon­si­bi­li­ty of the Sci­en­ces of Infor­ma­ti­on; Vien­na Uni­ver­si­ty of Tech­no­lo­gy
Func­tions: Inter­na­tio­nal Pro­gram­me Com­mit­tee of the con­fe­rence and
Chair of the track: Chi­na and the Glo­bal Infor­ma­ti­on Socie­ty (with R. Bich­ler);
Chair of 4 panels and 19 spea­k­ers (total con­fe­rence par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on: 400+);
(Vien­na, Aus­tria 03–07.06.2015)

Tou­ris­mus im Span­nungs­feld von Pola­ri­tä­ten
12th Tou­rism Forum; in coope­ra­ti­on with FH Salz­burg (Roman Egger)
(Salzburg/Austria 26.04.2010)

China’s Chan­ging Values
and its impact on socie­ty, cul­tu­re and eco­no­my
(Con­fe­rence lan­guage: Eng­lish and Chi­ne­se);
In Coope­ra­ti­on with Fudan Uni­ver­si­ty, Shang­hai (Prof. Yu Zhen­wei),
ICT&S (Ass.Prof. U. Mai­er-Rabler), Eura­sia Paci­fic Uni­net (Prof. B. Wink­leh­ner, Dr. L. Mal­fent)
(Shanghai/China, 20–21.06.2007)

Tou­ris­mus: Challan­ges: Future
9th Tou­rism Forum (con­fe­rence lan­guage: Ger­man);
in coope­ra­ti­on with FH Salz­burg (Roman Egger)
(Salzburg/Austria, 19.10.2007)

Tou­rism: Inno­va­ti­on & Trends
SAFIT Con­gress (con­fe­rence lan­guage: Ger­man);
in coope­ra­ti­on with FH Salz­burg (Roman Egger) and Salz­burg Rese­arch (Mar­kus Lass­nig)
(Salzburg/Austria, 25.11.05)

Pro­s­pects: Tou­rism rese­arch
7th Tou­rism Forum, Salz­burg 04/2005 (con­fe­rence lan­guage: Ger­man);
in coope­ra­ti­on with FH Salz­burg (Roman Egger)
(Salzburg/Austria, 29.04.05)